How to Donate to STEKAskills
The best way to donate to us is straight into our Bank Account:
Name: STEKAskills
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account No. 18555368
And email to tell us about your donation (including a completed GiftAid form, if relevant, which you can download for a single donation here; or to cover this and any past or future donations find the form here; or we can send a form to you).
If it is easier for you, you can also donate via JustGiving by clicking here.
Unfortunately though, as well as charging for donations, JustGiving also charges charities £15/month to see who has donated to their cause, and we can't afford that. So, please email us just to say you've donated - it's nice to know who our supporters are! And, if you are a UK taxpayer and we could claim back the tax paid on your donation through GiftAid, please follow the instructions above and include a form with your email to
Either way, we really appreciate any donation so much. STEKAskills doesn’t have any paid employees, we are all volunteers, so every penny you give is put to work creating sustainable futures for some of the most vulnerable (and inspirational) young people in the world!
Thank you for your support!