We're delighted that a wide range of people are coming along to Queen Margaret University on Friday to hear about our Voluntourism project. The audience will include sociologists (and public sociologists ), social workers, teachers, students, members of the Scotland Malawi Partnership, health professionals and travel companies as well as members of the wonderful STEKAskills community. They will all be involved in discussing our innovative approach to managing school visits to Malawi in a way which challenges many existing models, and will enable young Malawians to earn a sustainable income for themselves (and profits which will be invested in the STEKA Centre along a social enterprise model, to fund free training for street kids or maintain the buildings ). The new approach was tested with Gleniffer High School from Paisley when they visited STEKA in June this year, and their teacher will be discussing the impact this had on her Scottish pupils, STEKA's Gift Thompson will represent the Malawians' views and STEKAskills' Emma Wood (also a QMU senior lecturer) will talk about the design of the approach . Click the eventbrite link to join us, or send us an email.